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Who Do We Work With?
Orchestrating change and innovation across value chains for more agile agribusinesses.
Industry Service Bodies
Trusted guidance and insights to shape more viable, valued industry service organisations.
International Development
Working on the frontlines of global innovation and development
“If you’re looking for real change and real results, Inovact Consulting is your only choice.”
Veronica Papacosta, Chair of Seafood Industry Australia
Industry bodies must shape and drive reforms
Scott Morrison’s determination to improve business’ dealings with government (‘‘Morrison to cut red tape, reform IR’’, June 24) is a warning to industry peak bodies that are out of touch.
Overwhelming support to innovate and form Greenlife Industry Australia
Inovact Consulting is delighted to welcome the decision yesterday by businesses to establish Greenlife Industry Australia as the new national peak body for the industry.
Members of Nursery and Garden Industry Australia (NGIA) came together in Sydney to vote on a resolution to establish Greenlife Industry Australia, following the recommendations of the national re-invention project.
Horticulture Investment Plans
In 2018 Inovact prepared Strategic Investment Plans for the Australian Melon and Sweet Potato industries.
You can view the 2017 At a Glace Strategic Investment Plans for avocado, strawberry, raspberry and blackberry industries in the documents below.
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Trusted by Top Companies Around the Globe