Launch of Basin Pulse

by | Sep 20, 2011

New Initiative to Connect People in the Murray-Darling Basin with Decision Makers in Government and Business

Inovact has recently launched an initiative to support the water reform process in the Murray-Darling Basin. Here is a little bit about the initiative and why we think it can help the reform process to succeed in everyones eyes. Go to to learn more and download a report on issues in the Basin. You can also register your interest to be kept informed and to participate in on-line activities.


About Basin Pulse

The Murray-Darling Basin is undergoing far reaching, long-term change. Drought, changing imperatives for water use, volatile international markets, new industries and economic opportunities and emerging social trends are pulling people in the Basin in a multitude of directions.

Organisations such as Government Departments and large businesses are leading and facilitating much of this change. These organisations increasingly recognise the imperative to develop relationships with people whose lives their policies, decisions and services will directly affect.

Progressive organisations involved in socio-economic transitions recognise that securing people’s attention and participation is crucial to success. Change, development and policy reform can only really succeed with the involvement of the people whose lives it will impact. If these same people believe in the need for change and are actively involved then success is more likely to follow.

However, at Inovact Consulting we have observed that influential organisations often struggle to connect with people and develop relationships strong enough to enlist support and build commitment for change.

Basin Pulse exists to bridge the divide between people and decision makers. Our mission is to enable connections to occur and to promote understanding and mutually beneficial engagement. As an independent initiative we have no vested interest in a particular outcome and do not promote particular positions or the interests of particular groups.

Our interest is that people are connected with decision makers, that useful information is exchanged and that understanding and trusted relationships are built over time. We believe that this is the pathway to the type of transformational change needed to benefit the community, environment and industries in the Basin over the long term.

We live and work in the Basin and are passionate about its future. We seek to be part of transitioning the Basin to a more sustainable and prosperous future. We encourage people across the Basin and decision makers to join us in developing processes of positive change.

To download the first Basin Pulse report, learn more about the initiative and register your interest, go to

Get In Touch

P.O. Box 1312
Tuggeranong Delivery Centre
ACT 2901