Expert Advisers for Development of the New National Strategy for the Grass-fed Cattle Industry

by | Oct 8, 2012

Client: Cattle Council of Australia (CCA)

The Cattle Council of Australia (CCA) is the peak industry body responsible for representing and advancing the interests of Australia’s grass-fed beef producers.

Beef is a major Australian industry:

  • National cattle herd is around 27m head on over 59,000 properties.
  • Generated an off-farm value of meat production of A$11.9b in 2011-12.
  • Australia’s second largest agricultural export industry and the world’s largest exporter of beef.
  • Exported $4.7 billion worth of beef (65% of production) to more than 100 countries, contributing 15% of Australia’s total farm exports in 2011-12

Key issues prevailing at commencement

Overall, there was a need for action, but also considerable uncertainty with the industry and the Cattle Council about a workable way forward:

  • Preparation of the new national industry strategy had been delayed for almost two years.
  • Major industry disruption associated with the temporary ban of live cattle exports to Indonesia.
  • Industry participants were debating the need for reform to improve the effectiveness of industry organisations and various alternative models were being advanced.
  • The Cattle Council of Australia had issued a consultation paper for structural reform of the grass fed cattle industry national representation.

Key services provided by Inovact

  • Designed an integrated strategy development process that leveraged existing industry knowledge and information and strategically engaged key stakeholders.
  • Advised on the design of independent research via computer assisted telephone interviews with a sample of 675 cattle producers.
  • Conducted analysis and drafted a report on the telephone research findings.
  • Assisted in preparation of project and communications plans and drafting of issue papers for the interactive web site.
  • Assisted in design of state and national workshops and participated in several.
  • Conducted interviews with selected industry leaders and other influential stakeholders.
  • Facilitated drafting of the industry strategic plan with the Cattle Council.

Outcomes and value to date

Overall, Inovact Consulting has provided a unifying process for the industry to redefine its direction at a time of considerable uncertainty and debate on the need, urgency and direction of change. More specifically there is now greater:

  • Industry ownership of a draft plan that provides high-level direction, principles and priorities for future investment of industry resources.
  • Industry support enlisted for implementation of the plan through wide engagement of the key stakeholders to identify and prioritise strategic imperatives.
  • Industry engagement in a dialogue on the appropriate roles, responsibilities, metrics, structure and funding to deliver on the industry plan.
  • Achievement of the Cattle Council’s obligations under the Red Meat Memorandum of Understanding.

Get In Touch

P.O. Box 1312
Tuggeranong Delivery Centre
ACT 2901