National Farmer’s Federation Strategy and Restructure

by | May 8, 2017

Client: National Farmers’ Federation

The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) is the peak national body representing farmers and, more broadly, agriculture across Australia. It is one of Australia’s foremost and respected advocacy organisations.

Key services provided by Inovact

In 2005, Inovact Consulting worked with the NFF CEO in the formulation of the Federation’s strategic plan. Later, Inovact Consulting was engaged by NFF to assist the CEO and chairman to design a change management process to enlist NFF member support in realigning the association’s funding mechanisms and membership arrangements. This was necessary if the NFF was to meet a new operating environment for the organisation in its role as peak representative body and policy maker for the agricultural industry.

Inovact Consulting assisted the NFF to design and implement a process to develop a strategic change agenda and leverage industry support. This included a national quantitative and qualitative survey of 400 farmers and a high level review team to involve senior industry figures. We also encouraged the organisation to broaden its base to include agribusiness and the supply chain, given the increasingly central role of these organisations in industry issues.

Outcomes and value

In December 2008 members of the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) unanimously endorsed a new membership and organisational structure that would enable the whole of agriculture to be engaged effectively with the nation’s peak farm body. The changes allowed for wider representation, engagement through the whole agricultural supply chain and an even stronger focus on evidence and outcomes based policy development.

Contact us to speak with an industry strategy and restructure specialist.

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P.O. Box 1312
Tuggeranong Delivery Centre
ACT 2901