Innovation ReframedInovact’s weekly email series sharing insights that help industry leaders spark new thinking and ideas to accelerate innovation in their field. If you are a leader looking to create a thriving organisation or industry, then Innovation Reframed will be of value to you.
Poor Performance is Easier to Fix than Mediocrity
Mediocrity is a more widespread problem than poor performance. It’s also much harder to...
Three Simple Ideas to Catalyse Industry Action
You often hear industry leaders complain that businesses are too apathetic to engage on...
Are Cybercriminal Business Growing Faster than Tesla?
FBI Director Christopher Wray said recently that the agency was investigating...
A Decade of Value Destruction
Shareholder activists are showing that even the smallest players can wield enormous...
Is Your New Boss a Tyrant?
Valuable advice I received when I first started consulting was that too many people...
Our Surprising Problem with Subtracting
I like to ask overwhelmed executives and organisations what they will stop doing. It is...
Three Simple Questions to Help Accelerate Weekly Progress
Business owners know that if sales and profits are not growing, then the business is...
Is Industry Complexity a Problem?
Complexity and uncertainty can be paralysing for industry organisations and leaders. In...
A Matter of Perspective
Business leaders and industry organisations tend to overestimate the risk and...
How a Quick Fix Mindset is High Cost
American journalist Henry Mencken once said that for every complex problem there is an...